
We need your help to stand up for Pegwell Bay and oppose this development

Tuesday 10th September 2024 3-6pm
St. Laurence Parish Church Hall
33A High St, St Lawrence, Ramsgate CT11 0QP
Urgent: Help Protect Pegwell Bay and Its Precious Farmland!
Pegwell Bay National Nature Reserve, one of the UK’s most valuable and rare habitats, is under threat! Developers are proposing the destruction of A1 farmland right next to this internationally recognized conservation area.
Pegwell Bay is protected under multiple statuses, including SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) and the Ramsar Convention (1971), which protects wetlands of global importance. It’s a world-class ecosystem that provides a vital home for countless species, including thousands of migratory birds.
The ancient hedgerows in the area, which support wildlife and act as natural corridors for species, are at risk. These irreplaceable landscapes are key to maintaining biodiversity and the ecological health of our region.
If the developers succeed, the disturbance caused by building so close to this delicate ecosystem could endanger wildlife, particularly the migratory birds that rely on the area. Our green spaces in Thanet are already dwindling—enough is enough!
We need your help to stand up for Pegwell Bay and oppose this development. Join us at the public meeting on Tuesday, 10th September from 3-6pm and make your voice heard! Together, we can protect this special landscape.
For more information, or if you have any questions, please contact The Pegwell & District Association. Let’s act now to save our environment!